In 1997, a grant application was approved from LotteryWest (then Lotteries Western Australia) for $2,541.00 to purchase costumes, as well as $3,300 for a photocopier for the Turkish school.
TACH purchased 12 Artvin, Elazig, and Gazi Antep costumes from Turkey, totalling AUD$2065 plus shipping, or $415,000,000TL.
The costume quotes and acceptances were provided by fax and hand-written letters, with TACH arranging payment by international transfer. TACH management committee members picked up the costumes from Ankara arranged for the costumes to be flown as cargo from Turkey on Turkish Airlines and Singapore Airlines, arriving in Perth on the 1st of September 1997.
The Folk Dance costumes have been in use for over 20 years in various TACH Folk Dance performances and are still used today.